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Панкратов Андрей Леонидович

Кафедра прикладной математики
Доктор физико-математических наук





Научная деятельность

Избранные публикации:

  1. Bubukin, I. T., Agafonov, M. I., Pankratov, A. L., Troitskii, A. V., Lapchenko, V. A., Gorbunov, R. V., … & Vdovin, V. F. (2019). Analysis of the Results of Astroclimate Research at the Kara-Dag Radioastronomical Station in Crimea and the Possibilities for Reducing the Influence of the Atmosphere on Millimeter-Band Radioastronomical ObservationsJournal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics129(1), 35-45.
  2. Kuzmin, L. S., Pankratov, A. L., Gordeeva, A. V., Zbrozhek, V. O., Shamporov, V. A., Revin, L. S., … & de Bernardis, P. (2019). Photon-noise-limited cold-electron bolometer based on strong electron self-cooling for high-performance cosmology missionsCommunications Physics2(1), 1-8.
  3. Mukhin, A. S., Kuzmin, L. S., Chiginev, A. V., Blagodatkin, A. V., Zbrozhek, V. O., Gordeeva, A. V., & Pankratov, A. L. (2019). Multifrequency seashell antenna based on resonant cold-electron bolometers with kinetic Inductance Nanofilters for CMB measurementsAIP Advances9(1), 015321.
  4. Matrozova, E., Pankratov, A. L., Gordeeva, A., Chiginev, A., & Kuzmin, L. (2019). Absorption and cross-talk in the multipixel receiving system with cold-electron bolometersSuperconductor Science and Technology.
  5. Kuzmin, L. S., Blagodatkin, A. V., Mukhin, A. S., Pimanov, D. A., Zbrozhek, V. O., Gordeeva, A. V., … & Chiginev, A. V. (2019). Multichroic seashell antenna with internal filters by resonant slots and cold-electron bolometersSuperconductor Science and Technology32(3), 035009.
  6. Revin, L. S., Pankratov, A. L., Masterov, D. V., Parafin, A. E., Pavlov, S. A., Chiginev, A. V., & Skorokhodov, E. V. (2018). Features of Long YBCO Josephson Junctions Fabricated by Preliminary Topology Mask. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28(7), 1-5.
  7. Revin, L. S., Pankratov, A. L., Chiginev, A. V., Masterov, D. V., Parafin, A. E., & Pavlov, S. A. (2018). Asymmetry of the velocity-matching steps in YBCO long Josephson junctions. Superconductor Science and Technology, 31(4), 045002.
  8. Shamporov, V. A., Myasnikov, A. S., Pankratova, E. V., & Pankratov, A. L. (2017). Spectral linewidth of parallel Josephson junction array with intermediate-to-large damping. Physical Review B, 96(6), 064522.
  9. Masterov, D. V., Parafin, A. E., Revin, L. S., Chiginev, A. V., Skorokhodov, E. V., Yunin, P. A., & Pankratov, A. L. (2016). YBa2Cu3O7− δ long Josephson junctions on bicrystal Zr1− xYxO2 substrates fabricated by preliminary topology masks. Superconductor Science and Technology, 30(2), 025007.
  10. Gordeeva, A. V., Zbrozhek, V. O., Pankratov, A. L., Revin, L. S., Shamporov, V. A., Gunbina, A. A., & Kuzmin, L. S. (2017). Observation of photon noise by cold-electron bolometers. Applied Physics Letters, 110(16), 162603.
  11. Pankratov, A. L., Pankratova, E. V., Shamporov, V. A., & Shitov, S. V. (2017). Oscillations in Josephson transmission line stimulated by load in the presence of noise. Applied Physics Letters, 110(11), 112601.
  12. Pankratov A.L., Fedorov K.G., Salerno M., Shitov S.V., and Ustinov A.V. (2015): Nonreciprocal transmission of microwaves through a long Josephson junction, Physical Review B, 92, 104501.
  13. Soloviev I.I., Klenov N.V., Pankratov A.L., Revin L.S., Ilichev E. and Kuzmin L.S. (2015): Soliton scattering as a measurement tool for weak signals, Physical Review B, 92, 014516.
  14. Vopilkin E.A., Chiginev A.V., Revin L.S., Tropanova A.N., Shuleshova I.Yu., Okhapkin A.I., Shovkun A.D., Kulakov A.B. and Pankratov A.L. (2015): Quick and reliable technology for fabrication of stand-alone BSCCO mesas, Superconductor Science and Technology, 28, 045006.
  15. Кленов Н.В., Соловьев И.И., Щеголев А.Е., Панкратов А.Л. (2015): Баллистическое детектирование слабых сигналов в активных джозефсоновских средах, Вестник Московского Университета. Серия 3. ФИЗИКА. АСТРОНОМИЯ. є 1, стр. 35-41.
  16. Soloviev I.I., Klenov N.V., Bakurskiy S.V., Pankratov A.L., and Kuzmin L.S. (2014): Symmetrical Josephson vortex interferometer as an advanced ballistic single-shot detector, Applied Physics Letters, 105, 202602.
  17. Revin L.S., Chiginev A.V., Pankratov A.L., Masterov D.V., Parafin A.E., Luchinin G.A., Matrozova E.A., and Kuzmin L.S. (2013): The effect of bias current asymmetry on the flux-flow steps in the grain boundary YBaCuO long Josephson junctions, Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 243903.
  18. Oelsner G., Revin L.S., Ilichev E., Pankratov A.L., Meyer H.-G., Gronberg L., Hassel J., and Kuzmin L.S. (2013): Underdamped Josephson junction as a switching current detector, Applied Physics Letters, 103, 142605.
  19. Soloviev I.I., Klenov N.V., Pankratov A.L., Ilichev E., and Kuzmin L.S. (2013): Effect of Cherenkov radiation on the jitter of solitons in the driven underdamped Frenkel-Kontorova model, Physical Review E, 87, 060901(R).
  20. Matrozova E.A., Pankratov A.L. and Revin L.S. (2012): The effect of bias feed profile on spectral properties of noisy Josephson flux flow oscillator, Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 053905.
  21. Pankratov A.L., Gordeeva А.V. and Kuzmin L.S. (2012): Drastic suppression of noise-induced errors in underdamped long Josephson junctions, Physical Review Letters, 109, 087003.
  22. Revin L.S. and Pankratov A.L. (2012): Spectral and power properties of inline long Josephson junctions, Physical Review B, 86, 054501.
  23. Sobakinskaya E.A., Pankratov A.L. and Vaks V.L. (2012): Dynamics of a quantum two-level system under the action of phase-diffusion field, Physics Letters A, 376, 265Џ269.
  24. Matrozova E.A., Pankratov A.L., Levichev M.Yu. and Vaks V.L. (2011): Spectral characteristics of noisy Josephson flux flow oscillator, Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 053922.
  25. Revin L.S. and Pankratov A.L. (2011): Fine tuning of phase qubit parameters for optimization of fast single-pulse readout, Applied Physics Letters, 98, 162501.
  26. Pankratov A.L., Vdovichev S.N., Nefedov I.M. and Karetnikova I.R. (2011): Noise-induced effects in magnetization reversal and chirality control of circular array of single-domained nanomagnets, Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 033906.
  27. Smirnov А.A. and Pankratov A.L. (2010): Influence of the size of uniaxial magnetic nanoparticle on the reliability of high-speed switching, Physical Review B, 82, 132405.
  28. Gordeeva А.V. and Pankratov A.L. (2010): Defect formation in long Josephson junctions, Physical Review B, 81, 212504.
  29. Pankratov A.L. and Gavrilov A.S. (2010): Optimal fast single pulse readout of phase qubits, Physical Review B, 81, 052501.
  30. Fedorov K.G., Pankratov, A.L. (2009): Crossover of the thermal escape problem in annular spatially distributed systems, Physical Review Letters, 103, 260601.
  31. Pankratov A.L., Vdovichev S.N., Nefedov I.M., and Adamchik D.A. (2009): Minimizing the effect of noise in high-speed reversal of a magnetic dipole, Solid State Phenomena, 152-153, 321-324.
  32. Augello G., Valenti D., Pankratov A.L. and Spagnolo B. (2009): Lifetime of the superconductive state in short and long Josephson junctions, The European Physical Journal B, 70, 145-151.
  33. Fedorov K.G., Pankratov A.L. and Spagnolo B. (2008): Influence of length on the noise delayed switching of long Josephson junctions, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 18, 2857-2862.
  34. Gordeeva А.V., Pankratov A.L. and Spagnolo B. (2008): Noise induced phenomena in point Josephson junctions, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 18, 2825-2831.
  35. Pankratov, A.L., Vdovichev, S.N. and Nefedov I.M. (2008): Noise-induced effects in high-speed reversal of single-domain uniaxial magnetic nanoparticle, Physical Review B, 78, 052401.
  36. Pankratov A.L. (2008): Noise self-pumping in long Josephson junctions, Physical Review B, 78, 024515.
  37. Gordeeva A.V. and Pankratov, A.L. (2008): Minimization of thermal jitter in a balanced comparator SFQ cell, Journal of Applied Physics, 103, 103913.
  38. Pankratov, A.L. (2008): Minimizing the linewidth of the flux-flow oscillator, Applied Physics Letters, 92, 082504.
  39. Pankratov, A.L., Sobolev, A.S., Koshelets, V.P., and Mygind, J. (2008): Model of a long Josephson tunnel junction including surface losses and self-pumping effect, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 97, 012303.
  40. Pankratov, A.L., Vaks, V.L., and Koshelets, V.P. (2007): Spectral properties of phase locked Flux Flow Oscillator, Journal of Applied Physics, 102, 063912.
  41. Fedorov K.G., Pankratov, A.L. (2007): Mean time of the thermal escape in a current-biased long-overlap Josephson junction, Physical Review B, 76, 024504.
  42. Pankratov, A.L., Sobolev, A.S., Koshelets, V.P., and Mygind, J. (2007): Influence of surface losses and the self-pumping effect on current-voltage characteristics of a long Josephson junction, Physical Review B, 75, 184516.
  43. Spagnolo, B., Dubkov, A.A., Pankratov, A.L., Pankratova, E.V., Fiasconaro, A., Ochab-Marcineke, A. (2007): Lifetime of metastable states and suppression of noise in interdisciplinary physical models, Acta Physica Polonica B, 38, 1925.
  44. Федоров К.Г., Панкратов А.Л. (2007): Влияние флуктуаций на динамические свойства распределенных джозефсоновских переходов, Радиотехника и Электроника, 52, 104.
  45. Соболев А.С., Панкратов А.Л. (2006): Численное моделирование самонакаченного длинного джозефсоновского перехода с использованием модифицированной модели синус-Гордона, Нелинейный мир, N6, т.4, с.322.
  46. Гордеева А.В. и Панкратов А.Л. (2006): Репродукция одноквантовых импульсов в цепочке точечных джозефсоновских контактов, Актуальные проблемы статистической радиофизики, 5, 76.
  47. Sobolev A.S., Pankratov A.L., and Mygind J. (2006): Numerical simulation of the self- pumped long Josephson junction using a modified sine-Gordon model, Physica C, 435, 112.
  48. Gordeeva A.V. and Pankratov, A.L. (2006): Minimization of timing errors in reproduction of single flux quantum pulses. Applied Physics Letters, 88, 022505.
  49. Koshelets, V.P., Dmitriev, P.N., Ermakov, A.B., Sobolev, A.S., Torgashin, M.Yu., Kurin, V.V., Pankratov, A.L., Mygind, J. (2005): Optimization of the Phase-Locked Flux-Flow Oscillator for the submm Integrated Receiver. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 15, 964-967.
  50. Pankratov, A.L. and Spagnolo, B. (2004): Suppression of Timing Errors in Short Overdamped Josephson Junctions. Physical Review Letters, 93, 177001-1-177001-4.
  51. Панкратов, А.Л., Цветнова, М.М. (2004): Индуцированные шумом переходы в точечном джозефсоновском контакте. Современные проблемы статистической радиофизики, 3, 80-87.
  52. Koshelets V.P., Shitov S.V., Filippenko L.V., Dmitriev P.N., Ermakov A.B., Sobolev A.S., Torgashin M.Yu., Pankratov A.L., Kurin V.V., Yagoubov P., Hoogeveen R. (2004): Superconducting Phase-Locked Local Oscillator for Submm Integrated Receiver. Superconducting Science and Technology, 17, S127-S131.
  53. Pankratov, A.L. (2004): Suppression of noise in periodically driven nonlinear systems. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 114, 173-177.
  54. Pankratov, A.L. (2003): Optimal pump frequency for ac hysteretic SQUID. Physical Review B 68, 024503-1-024503-5.
  55. Pankratov, A.L. (2002): Long Josephson junctions with spatially inhomogeneous driving. Physical Review B, 66, 134526-1 – 134526-5.
  56. Malakhov, A.N. and Pankratov, A.L. (2002): Evolution times of probability distributions and averages – Exact solutions of the Kramers’ problem, Advances in Chemical Physics, v. 121, pp. 357-438, ed. by I. Prigogine and Stuart A. Rice, Wiley.
  57. Koshelets, V.P., Dmitriev, P.N., Sobolev, A.S., Pankratov, A.L., Khodos, V.V., Vaks, V.L., Baryshev, A.M., Wesselius, P.R., and Mygind, J. (2002): Linewidth of Josephson Flux Flow Oscillators. Physica C, 372-376, 316-321.
  58. Pankratov, A.L. (2002): Form and width of spectral line of a Josephson Flux-Flow oscillator. Physical Review B, 65, 054504-1 – 054504-9.
  59. Pankratov, A.L. (2002): Suppression of noise in nonlinear systems subjected to strong periodic driving. Physical Review E, 65, 022101-1 – 022101-3; has been selected for the February 1, 2002 issue of the Virtual Journal of Applications of Superconductivity.
  60. Pankratov, A.L. (2000): Linewidth of Josephson junction oscillator. Issue dedicated to memory of Professor A.N.Malakhov, 80-85, Publishing House TALAM, Nizhny Novgorod.
  61. Pankratov, A.L. and Salerno, M. (2000): Resonant activation in periodically driven overdamped systems with noise. Physics Letters A, 273, 162-166.
  62. Antonov, A.A., Pankratov, A.L., Yulin A.V. and Mygind, J. (2000): Influence of thermal fluctuations on Cherenkov radiation from fluxons in dissipative Josephson systems. Physical Review B 61, 9809-9819.
  63. Pankratov, A.L. and Salerno, M. (2000): Adiabatic approximation and parametric stochastic resonance in a bistable system with periodically driven barrier. Physical Review E 61, 1206-1210.
  64. Pankratov, A.L. (1999): Time evolution of averages in dynamical systems driven by noise. Physics Letters A 255, 17-22.
  65. Nikitenkova, S.P. and Pankratov, A.L. (1998): Nondecay probability of the “correct”state of a memory cell: analytic approach versus numeric simulation. Physical Review E 58, 6964-6967.
  66. Pankratov, A.L. (1997): On certain time characteristics of dynamical systems driven by noise. Physics Letters A 234, 329-335.
  67. Панкратов, А.Л. (1996): Влияние флуктуаций на устойчивость функционирования джозефсоновской бистабильной ячейки памяти. Вестник ВВО АТН, Серия: Высокие технологии в радиоэлектронике, 1, 149-153.
  68. Malakhov, A.N. and Pankratov, A.L. (1996): Influence of thermal fluctuations on time characteristics of single Josephson element with high damping. Exact solution. Physica C 269, 46-54.
  69. Malakhov, A.N. and Pankratov, A.L. (1996): Exact solution of the Kramers’ problem for piece-wise parabolic potential profiles. Physica A 229, 109-126.
  70. Малахов, А.Н. и Панкратов, А.Л. (1995): Влияние тепловых флуктуаций на задержку включения джозефсоновского элемента с малой емкостью. Сверхпроводимость: физика, химия, техника, 8, 295-305.
  71. Малахов, А.Н. и Панкратов А.Л. (1995): Точное значение времени релаксации динамической системы с шумом, описываемой произвольным симметричным потенциальным профилем. Известия ВУЗов. Радиофизика, 38, 256-261.
  72. Малахов, А.Н. и Панкратов, А.Л. (1995): Времена стохастических переходов в бистабильных кусочно-параболических системах с шумом. Известия ВУЗов. Прикладная Нелинейная Динамика, 3, 70-79.
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