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  • Bolotov, D., Bolotov, M., Smirnov, L., Osipov, G., Pikovsky, A. Twisted States in a System of Nonlinearly Coupled Phase Oscillators // Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, V. 24 (6), pp. 717–724. (2019)
  • Sereda, I., Alekseev, S., Koneva, A., Kataev, R., Osipov, G. ECG Segmentation by Neural Networks: Errors and Correction // Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2019-July, art. no. 8852106. (2019)
  • Korotkov, A.G., Kazakov, A.O., Levanova, T.A., Osipov, G.V. The dynamics of ensemble of neuron-like elements with excitatory couplings // Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, V. 71, pp. 38–49. (2019)
  • Bolotov, M.I., Munyaev, V.O., Kryukov, A.K., Smirnov, L.A., Osipov, G.V. Variety of rotation modes in a small chain of coupled pendulumsю // Chaos, V. 29 (3), art. no. 033109. (2019
  • Petrov, V., Lebedev, S., Pirova, A., Vasilyev, E., Nikolskiy, A., Turlapov, V., Meyerov, I., Osipov, G. Cardiomodel – new software for cardiac electrophysiology simulation. // Communications in Computer and Information Science, V. 965, pp. 195–207. (2019)
  • Bolotov M., Levanova T., Smirnov L., Pikovsky A. Dynamics of disordered heterogeneous chains of phase oscillators // Cybernetics and Physics, V. 8 (4), pp. 215–221 (2019)
  • Korotkov, A.G., Kazakov, A.O., Levanova, T.A. Effects of memristor-based coupling in the ensemble of FitzHugh–Nagumo elements // European Physical Journal: Special Topics, V. 228(10), pp. 2325–2337 (2019)
  • Vladimir N. Belykh, Nikita V. Barabash, and Igor V. Belykh, A Lorenz-type attractor in a piecewise-smooth system: Rigorous results. // Chaos, V. 29 (10), p.103108 (1–17), (2019).
  • Barabash, V. Belykh, Non-stationary attractors in the blinking systems: ghost attractor of Lorenz type. // Cybernetics and Physics, V. 8(4), (2019)
  • Laptyeva T.., Denisov S., Tarnowski W., Chruściński D., Życzkowski K. Universal Spectra of Random Lindblad Operators // Physical Review Letters. V. 123. 2019. P. 140403.
  • Volokitin V.D., Vakulchyk I., Kozinov E.A., Linev A.V., Meyerov I.B., Ivanchenko M.V., Lapteva T., Denisov S. Propagating large open quantum systems towards their asymptotic states: cluster implementation of the time-evolving block decimation scheme // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. V. 1392. 2019. P. 012061
  • Smirnova D.A., Smirnov L.A., Leykam D., Kivshar Yu.S. Topological Edge States and Gap Solitons in the Nonlinear Dirac Model. // Laser Photonics Reviews. V. 13 (12). Pp. 1900223(1)-1900223(5). (2019).
  • Ба­лан­дин Д.В., Би­рю­ков Р.С., Ко­ган М.М. Ми­ни­макс­ное управ­ле­ние укло­не­ни­я­ми вы­хо­дов ли­ней­ной дис­крет­ной неста­ци­о­нар­ной си­сте­мы // Ав­то­ма­ти­ка и те­ле­ме­ха­ни­ка. 2019. № 12. С. 3–23.
  • Ба­лан­дин Д.В., Би­рю­ков Р.С., Ко­ган М.М. Эл­лип­со­и­даль­ные мно­же­ства до­сти­жи­мо­сти ли­ней­ных неста­ци­о­нар­ных си­стем в за­да­чах оце­ни­ва­ния и управ­ле­ния // Диф­фе­рен­ци­аль­ные урав­не­ния. 2019. Т. 55, № 11. С. 1485–1498.
  • Ба­лан­дин Д.В., Би­рю­ков Р.С., Ко­ган М.М. Оп­ти­маль­ное управ­ле­ние мак­си­маль­ны­ми укло­не­ни­я­ми вы­хо­дов ли­ней­ной неста­ци­о­нар­ной си­сте­мы на ко­неч­ном ин­тер­ва­ле вре­ме­ни // Ав­то­ма­ти­ка и те­ле­ме­ха­ни­ка. 2019. № 10. С. 37–61.
  • Dmitry V.Balandin, Ruslan S.Biryukov, Mark M.Kogan Finite-horizon multi-objective generalized control with transients // Automatica. 2019. V. 106. Pp. 27–34.


  • M.I. Bolotov, L. A. Smirnov, G. V. Osipov, A. S. Pikovsky. Breather chimeras in the system of phase oscillators. JETP Letters, V. 106 (6), 368, 2017
  • V. N. Belykh, M. I. Bolotov, G. V. Osipov. Regular and Chaotic Transition to Synchrony in a Star Configuration of Phase Oscillators. Challenges in Complexity: Advances in Dynamics, Patterns, Cognition. Nonlinear Systems and Complexity. Springer, New York, 2017.
  • Yu. V. Bakhanova, A. O. Kazakov, A. G. Korotkov, Spiral chaos in Lotka-Volterra like models, Zhurnal Srednevolzhskogo matematicheskogo obshchestva,19:2 (2017) 13–24 (In Russian).
  • V.S. PetrovA.K. Kryukov, G.V. Osipov, New Mechanisms of Disorder Tissue Model, Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. Vol. 12, No. 4, 2017, pp. 4–14.
  • B.K. BeraD. GhoshP.ParmanandaG. V. OsipovS.K. Dana, Coexisting synchronous and asynchronous states in locally coupled array of oscillators by partial self-feedback control, Chaos 27, 073108, 2017.
  • M.I. Bolotov, G.V. Osipov. Collective Dynamics of Rotators Coupled by a Common Pulsed Field. Technical Physics Letters, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 9–11, 2017.


  • Bolotov, M.I., Osipov, G.V., Pikovsky, A. Marginal chimera state at cross-frequency locking of pulse-coupled neural networks. Physical Review E, 2016, V. 93 (3), P. 032202.
  • Kostin, V.A., Osipov, G.V. Transient and periodic spatiotemporal structures in a reaction-diffusion-mechanics system. Chaos, 2016, V. 26 (1), P. 013101.
  • Levanova T.A., Kazakov A.O., Osipov G.V., Kurths J. Dynamics of ensemble of inhibitory coupled Rulkov maps. European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2016, V. 225, P. 147.
  • Osipov, G.V., Frolov, N.S. Analysis of Synchronous Dynamics of the Coupled Virtual Cathode Oscillators by Calculating the Spectrum of Lyapunov Exponents. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 2016, P. 1.
  • Nagornov, R., Osipov, G., Komarov, M., Pikovsky, A., Shilnikov, A. Mixed-mode synchronization between two inhibitory neurons with post-inhibitory rebound. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2016. V.36. P. 175.
  • Kostin, V.A., Osipov, G.V. Excitation of spatiotemporal structures in elastic electroactive contractile fibers. Doklady Mathematics. 2016. V. 93 (1). P. 108.


  • Smirnov L.A., Kryukov A.K., Kadina E.Yu., Gubina E.V., Osipov G.V. Rotation dynamics of the system of two coupled oscillators. Problems of strength and plasticity, 2015, V. 77(4), P. 425 (in Russian).
  • Belykh V.N., Bolotov M.I., Osipov G.V. Kuramoto phase model with inertia bifurcations leading to the loss of synchrony and to the emergence of chaos. Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems, 2015, V. 22 (5), P. 595.
  • Kryukov, A.K., Petrov, V.S., Osipov, G.V., Kurths, J. Multistability of synchronous regimes in rotator ensembles. Chaos, 2015, V. 25 (12), P. 123121.
  • Korotkov, A.G., Kazakov, A.O., Osipov, G.V. Sequential dynamics in the motif of excitatory coupled elements. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2015, V. 20 (6), P. 701.
  • Laptyeva, T.V., Denisov, S.V., Osipov, G.V., Ivanchenko, M.V. Localization attractors in active quasiperiodic arrays. JETP Letters, 2015, V. 102 (9), P. 603.
  • Grines, E.A., Osipov, G.V. On constructing simple examples of three-dimensional flows with multiple heteroclinic cycles. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2015, V. 20 (6), P. 679.
  • Maksimenko, V.A., Osipov, G.V., Makarov, V.V. Application of continuous wavelet transform to the analysis of structural variations in complex networks. Technical Physics, 2015, V. 60 (5), P. 785.
  • Makarov, V.V., Osipov, G.V., Maksimenko, V.A., Kharchenko, A.A. Synchronization of elements with different dimensions of their ensembles in a complex network. Technical Physics Letters, 2015, V. 41 (1), P. 69.
  • Zhuravlev, M.O., Osipov, G.V., Sel’skii, A.O. Studying spatially distributed systems near the boundary of phase chaotic synchronization on various time scales of observation. Technical Physics Letters, 2015, V. 41 (2), P. 160.
  • Sel’ski, A.O., Osipov, G.V. Spectral power density of current oscillations in a semiconductor superlattice in the presence of a tilted magnetic field at various temperatures. Technical Physics Letters, 2015, V. 41 (1), P. 98.
  • Belykh, V.N., Petrov, V.S., Osipov, G.V. Dynamics of the finite-dimensional Kuramoto model: Global and cluster synchronization. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2015, V. 20 (1), P. 37.


  • Kryukov A.K., Petrov V.S., Osipov G.V. Multistability of synchronous regimes in rotator ensembles. Problems of strength and plasticity, 2014, V. 76(4), P. 364 (in Russian).
  • Petrov V. S., Osipov G. V. Interaction-based transition from passivity to excitability. Physical Review E, 2014, V. 90, P. 032916 .
  • Kostin V.A., Osipov G.V. Self-congruent electromechanical activity in the elastically fixed fiber of the heart tissue. Problems of strength and plasticity, 2014, V. 76(4), P.357 (in Russian).
  • Levanova T.A., Osipov G.V., Pikovsky A. Coherence properties of cycling chaos. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2014, V.19(8), P. 2734.
  • Ба­стра­ков И.И., Гав­ри­ло­ва К.А., Гри­го­рье­ва С.А., Оси­пов Г.В. По­дав­ле­ние воз­буж­де­ний в ак­тив­ной сре­де с по­мо­щью сла­бо­го внеш­не­го воз­дей­ствия. Из­ве­стия выс­ших учеб­ных за­ве­де­ний. При­клад­ная нели­ней­ная ди­на­ми­ка. 2014. Т. 22. № 2. С. 62–76.


  • Komarov M.A., Osipov G.V., and Zhou Ch. Heteroclinic contour in oscillatory ensembles, Physical Review E, 2013,V.87, p.022909.
  • Levanova T.A., Komarov M.A., Osipov G.V. Sequential activity and multistability in an ensemble of coupled Van der Pol oscillators. European Physical Journal: Special Topics, 2013, V. 222 (10), P. 2417.
  • Balandin D.V., Komarov M.A., Osipov G.V. A motion control for a spherical robot with pendulum drive. Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International, 2013, V.52 (4), P. 650.
  • Mikhaylov A.O., Komarov M.A., Levanova T.A., Osipov G.V. Sequential switching activity in ensembles of inhibitory coupled oscillators. EPL, 2103, V. 101 (2), P. 20009.
  • Bastrakov S., Meyerov I., Gergel V., Gonoskov A., Gorshkov A., Efimenko E., Ivanchenko M., Kirillin M., Malova A., Osipov G., Petrov V., Surmin I., Vildemanov A. High performance computing in biomedical applications. Procedia Computer Science, 2013, V. 18, P. 10.


  • Grigoryeva S.A. and Osipov G.V. Optimum external impulse of low power for activation of one-dimensional dynamic al system. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2012, V.18 P. 83 (in Russian).
  • Petrov V.S., Vildemanov A.V., Grigoryeva S.A., Kozinov E.A., Komarov M.A., Kostin V.A., Kryukov A.K., Levanova T.A., Meyerov I.B., Osipov G.V., Program complex ‘Virtual heart’. Vestnik of NNSU, 2012, V.5(2), P. 438 (in Russian).


  • Petrov V.S., Lang Di, Osipov G.V., Lou Qing, Efimov I.R. Spatiotemporal control of heart rate in a rabbit heart. Journal of Electrocardiology. 2011. V. 44. P.626.
  • Pavlov E.A., Osipov G.V., Chan C.K., Suykens J. A. K. Map-based model of the cardiac action potential. Physics Letters A, 2011, V. 375, P. 2894.


  • Levanova T.A., Komarov M.A., Kadina E.Yu., Osipov G.V. Structures of sequential activity in neural networks with random couplings. Vestnik of NNSU. 2010. V. 2(1). P. 131.(in Russian)
  • Petrov V.S., Osipov G.V., Kurths. J. Distant synchronization through a passive medium, Phys. Rev. E. 2010. V.82. P.026208.

  • Petrov V.S. and Osipov G.V. Influence of passive elements on the synchronization of oscillatory ensembles. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2010. V.18. P.6. (in Russian).

  • Komarov M.A., Osipov G.V., Suykens J.A.K. Metastable states and transient activity in ensembles of excitatory and inhibitory elements. Europhys. Lett. 2010. V.91. 20006.

  • Komarov M.A., Osipov G.V., Burtsev M.S. Adaptive functional systems: Learning with chaos. Chaos. 2010. V.20. P.045119.

  • Komarov M.A., Osipov G.V. Generation of slow rhythms and sequential activity in ensembles of neuron-like oscillators. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2010. V.18 (in Russian).

  • Petrov V.S., Osipov G.V., Kurths J. Fibroblasts alter spiral wave stability. Chaos. 2010. V.20. P.045103.


  • Kryukov A.K., Osipov G.V., Polovinkin A.V., and Kurths J. Synchronous regimes in ensembles of coupled Bonhoeffer-van der Pol oscillators, Physical Review E. 2009.V.79.P.046209.

  • Komarov M.A., Osipov G.V., Suykens J.A.K., and Rabinovich M.I. Numerical studies of slow rhythms emergence in neural microcircuits: bifurcations and stability. Chaos. 2009.V.19. P.015107.

  • Petrov V.S., Osipov G.V., and Suykens J.A.K. Influence of passive elements on the dynamics of oscillatory ensembles of cardiac cells. Physical Review E. 2009.V.79 P.046219.

  • Kryukov A.K., Kanakov O.I. and Osipov G.V. Synchronization waves in weak-nonlinear oscillatory ensembles. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2009, V.17 N1 P.13 (in Russian).

  • Kryukov A.K, Osipov G.V. and Polovinkin A.V. Variety of synchronous regimes in ensembles of nonidentical oscillators: Two coupled elements. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2009, V.17 N2 P.16 (in Russian).

  • Kryukov A.K, Osipov G.V. and Polovinkin A.V. Variety of synchronous regimes in ensembles of nonidentical oscillators: Chain and lattice. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2009, V.17 N2 P.29 (in Russian).

  • Chen W., Cheng S.C., Avalos E., Drugova O.V., Osipov G.V.,P.-Y.Lai, Chan C.-K. Synchronization in growing heterogeneous media. Europhysics Letters. 2009. V.86. P.18001.

  • Komarov M.A., Osipov G.V., Suykens J.A.K Sequentially activated groups in neural networks. Europhysics Letters. 2009.V.86. P.60006.


  • Osipov G.V., Kanakov O.I., Chan C.-K., Kurths J., Dana S.K., Averyanova L.S., and Petrov V.S. “Synchronization phenomena in networks of oscillatory and excitable Luo-Rudy cells” in Springer Series: Complex Dynamics in Physiological Systems, Springer, 2008.

  • Kryukov A.K., Petrov V.S., Averyanova L.S., Osipov G.V., Chen W., Drugova O., and Chan C.K. Synchronization phenomena in mixed media of passive, excitable and oscillatory cells. Chaos.2008.V.18.p.037129.

  • Komarov M.A., Osipov G.V., and Suykens J.A.K. Variety of synchronous regimes in neuronal ensembles. Chaos. 2008.V.18.p.037121.

  • Belykh V.N., Osipov G.V., Petrov V.S., Suykens J.A.K., and Vandewalle J. Cluster synchronization in oscillatory networks. Chaos.2008.V.18.p.037106.


  • Ivanchenko M.V., Osipov G.V., Shalfeev V.D., and Kurths J. A network mechanism for burst generation. Physical Review Letters. 2007. V.98.p.108101.

  • Kanakov O.I, Osipov G.V., Chan C.-K., and Kurths J. Cluster synchronization and spatio-temporal dynamics in networks of oscillatory and excitable Luo-Rudy cells. Chaos. 2007. V.17.p.015111.

  • Belykh V.N., Osipov G.V., and Kurths J.. Feedback control principles and phase synchronization in Handbook of Chaos Control. Communicating with chaos, chaos synchronization, eds. E. Scholl and H.G. Schuster. Wiley-VCH: Berlin. 2007.

  • Oispov G.V., Kurths J., and Zhou Ch. Synchronization in Oscillatory Networks. Springer Verlag: Berlin. 2007.
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