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New Master’s Program in Quantitative Risk Management!

30 сентября 2022
UNN is pleased to announce its new Master’s Program in Quantitative Risk Management in conjunction with Quantitative Risk Management Associates (QRIMA.eu):
UNN welcomes all potential students, who have already earned their bachelor and/or master degrees in mathematics, physics, quant finance, or financial engineering, and who have the desire to build lucrative careers of quantitative risk developers/traders/researchers or analysts in global financial services. 
To help students succeed, Program provides high quality practical content (https://qrima.eu/en/curriculum/) created and delivered by world-renowned quant practitioners and academicians (https://qrima.eu/en/whoweare/professors/).
The Program helps its successful students with obtaining internships and upon graduation – employment with financial organizations all over the world.
The Program is now accepting Applications for the 2022-2023 winter semester.
For additional information and to apply please write or call:
Dr. Alexander Leytman, DM, PMP, CSM
Program Director 
aleytman@yahoo.com (email)
+1-917-796-0622 (US Telephone/WhatsApp/Viber)

New Master’s Program in Quantitative Risk Management!

Нижегородский государственный университет им. Н.И. Лобачевского совместно с Ассоциацией Исследователей и  Разработчиков по Управлению Количественными Рисками Финансовых Организаций (QRIMA.eu) объявляют набор на новую магистерскую программу “Управление рисками предприятий” (направление “Прикладная математика и информатика”). Подробнее см.   http://quantfuture.unn.ru/  и  http://www.qrima.eu/ 

Видео: русскоязычная версия https://disk.yandex.ru/d/e1z2abplTdf_AQ  

            англоязычная версия версия: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/jMuQRh0at31Cyg 


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